
Facial Recognition system for Criminal Tracking and recording for Smart Policing.
Project Overview
Authorized Policemen can login via OTP and start using the application. Policemen can capture an image via camera or upload from the smartphone gallery and get results in Percentage %on how much the image matches with the Criminal Records. This tool can help in a lot of ways giving a hyper lead in identifying the Criminals and helping Policemen do their work efficiently. The database is secured and encrypted with all security measures. All the edits will be authorized by the team appointed by higher authorities who keep the records of criminals.
My Contributions
I have been the core team member with multiple responsibilities successfully executed. I was responsible for - Planning the product with Commissioner of Police,
Communicating the requirements of the GRP team,
Creating Project Timeline,
Managing the team members,
Training the GRP officers so that they can use the application and Admin panel effortlessly,
Presenting the solutions with the Commissioner of Police.